Wednesday, February 4, 2009

5. Introducing CaseGrader

First CaseGrader Assignment

You will need to acquire CaseGrader: Microsoft Office Excel 2007 to do the following:

Case 1:
  1. Read CaseGrader textbook pages ix in the text to get the overview of CaseGrader exercises.
  2. Go to the CoursePort Website at:
  3. Select CaseGrader and go to the page containing a listing of the Cases
  4. If you haven't yet done so, add CaseGrader and your text's Keycode to your account, followed by Joining the class with the Class Code: 7DD18525.
  5. Select Case 1: Getting Started with Excel, Newleaf Paper Company - Calculating Employee Bonuses
  6. Download and save Case 1
  7. Follow the directions exactly while working on the spreadsheet.
  8. When you've completed all the steps, save your file, then upload and submit your worksheet for grading.
  9. From your GradeBook, generate the Summary Report to see a detailed report of how you did on each step.
  10. Note: If you find errors that you made, you may make corrections to your worksheet and submit your file more than once, until you're satisfied with the results. I will only count the highest grade, so you have nothing to lose by trying until you succeed!
  11. In your journal, write a short note letting me know what you think of the value of this experience. Thanks.