Wednesday, February 18, 2009

9. Using Tables

The ability to create Tables, what we ordinarily call Databases, in Excel 2007 (previously known as 'Lists' in Excel 2003), is one of Excel's very useful specialties. This feature of the program is much more robust in '07. Not only are there special tools just for this type of data structure, but Tables lend themselves to maintaining lists of information that can typically be very helpful in either a business or for personal needs, whether you have lots of data (like Inventory or Customer information) or small amounts that you use for record keeping (like your personal checkbook).

We began putting together the Silver Photography Accessories Sales Rep Table, and went over how to use Excel's Table Design tools to
  • Create and pre-Format our Table
  • Add Data Validation
  • Enter Records using a traditional type of data entry.
  • Sort and Query data
  • Create a calculated field

Materials Covered: MS Excel - Project 5:
Creating, Sorting and Querying a Table, pp 338-356

Excel Online Exercise on Financial Functions:
Click Here for a short online review to get better acquainted with Financial Functions. There is a nice twist here on what we've learned about the PMT Function - it is the NPER function! Excel's Financial Functions are related to one another like the faces on a Rubik's Cube.

You'll notice that this is a tutorial from Excel 2003. It hasn't yet become available for Excel 2007, but it's so important, I thought you should get the benefit of this one anyway! I hope you agree.

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